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植田正治 –《幻影》



Art Basel Hong Kong 期間特別開放時間  (15 - 17 Mar, 12noon - 7pm)


開幕酒會:3月14日(星期六) 下午5時至7時


Zen Foto Gallery協辦


獨立攝影空間The Salt Yard將會聯同東京攝影畫廊Zen Foto Gallery,將於2月27日至3月29日期間,展出已故日本攝影大師植田正治生前最後一輯系列作品《幻影》。


日本攝影大師植田正治(1913-2000)最為人津津樂道的是其在家鄉鳥取縣所拍攝的一系列以沙丘為背景的作品,題材由溫馨的家庭或朋友肖像,到充滿超現實主義畫家馬格利特(Rene Magritte)作品風味的擺佈攝影,被大眾稱之為「植田調」風格。植田晚年時候邁進了新的創作方向,在自己家中設置微縮的沙丘場景,利用各式小物堆砌出一張張具有夢幻意境的圖像,其中很多都是以中片幅相機拍攝出來的多重曝光彩色作品。這系列名為《幻影》(1987-1992)的作品被認為是植田生前最後遺作,也是攝影師作為跟自己內心對話的影像日誌,跟其一向受人所稱著的「植田調」風格大相徑庭。是次展覽展示了這位國際知名的攝影師鮮為人知的一面外,揭示了他不息的激情和對攝影媒介所作出的實驗精神。






植田正治1913年生於日本鳥取縣,15歲的時候愛上了攝影。1932年離開家鄉遠赴東京的Oriental School of Photography修讀攝影,畢業後回到家鄉開設攝影室。日後他拍攝鳥取沙丘的超現實風格攝影作品而廣爲人知,這一系列被人稱為「植田調」的作品亦聞名國際。


植田多年來獲得不少獎項榮譽,當中包括於1954年贏得了「二科賞」獎項,1978年獲日本文化廳創設十週年紀念功勞者表彰。多年來他參與多個本地及國際性展覽,包括1958年獲美國攝影名師愛德華‧史泰欽(Edward Steichen)選取其作品於紐約現代美術館展出。1978及1987年被邀參與法國Arles攝影節,及1982年德國的Photokina展覽會。1995年鳥取縣為表彰植田的藝術成就創建了「植田正治寫真美術館」,他於1996年被法國政府授予法蘭西藝術與文學勳章(Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres)。植田正治於2000年去世,故后其回顧展從2005年至2008年於歐州巡迴展出。



Illusion - Shoji UEDA

27 Feb, 2015 – 29 Mar, 2015


Special opening hours during Art Basel Hong Kong (15 - 17 Mar, 12noon - 7pm)


Opening reception

5-7 pm, 14 Mar, 2014 (Sat)


Co-organised by Zen Foto Gallery


The Salt Yard, an independent art space in Hong Kong dedicated to photography, and Zen Foto Gallery in Tokyo will work together to showcase “Illusion”, the last known series of work by the late Japanese master photographer Shjoi Ueda, between Feb 27 and Mar 29, 2015.


Shoji Ueda (1913 - 2000) was internationally known for striking black-and-white photos taken on the sand dunes of his native region of Tottori. His works ranged from warm portraits of family members and friends, to nudes, to surreal tableaux reminiscent of Magritte. Later in his life, he took a leap in a new direction, capturing images of imaginary landscapes through arrangement of miniature sand dunes and creation of microcosms with objects placing upon his kitchen table. Many of the works were produced through double exposure with the use of a 645 camera. The series,’Illusion’ (1987 – 1992), is known as his last series of collections which differs considerably from his signature style. While also functioning as a form of diary of his inner dialogue at the time, this exhibition shows a lesser-known side of an internationally-renowned photographer and reveals his restless passion and experimentation in the photographic medium.


An opening reception will be held between 5pm and 7pm on 14th March. Members of the public are welcome.


About Shoji UEDA


Born in 1913 in Tottori, Japan, Ueda got deeply into photography at the age of 15. He left his hometown in 1932 to study at Oriental School of Photography in Tokyo. After finishing the course at the age of 19, he started his own studio in his home town. His most well-known and successful works were photos of people photographed as objects posed in the dunes of Tottori, which are known as "Ueda-cho" and highly appreciated in the world.


In 1954, Shoji Ueda won the Nika Prize, and in 1958, his works were selected by Edward Steichen for an exhibition at MoMA. In 1982, his works were chosen to be displayed at Germany's Photokina Exhibition. The Shoji Ueda Museum of Photography was founded in Kishimoto-cho (now Houki-cho) in 1995. In 1996, he was awarded the honor of Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres by the government of France. Shoji Ueda passed away in 2000, and retrospective exhibitions were held in Europe from 2005 to 2008.


Available at The Salt Yard bookstore:


Illusion by Shoji UEDA. ISBN 978-4-907299-1-1. 48 pages, 40 photo reproductions. 224 x 244 mm. Language: English and Japanese. Published by ShINC 2013.

© 2025 The Salt Yard and the artists. All rights reserved.

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