《 某座二期》– 岑允逸攝影作品展
開幕酒會:10月17日(星期五) 下午6時至8時
攝影師分享會:11月8日(星期六) 下午3至5時
香港獨立攝影展覽空間The Salt Yard將會在10月17日至12月14日期間,將會展出香港攝影師岑允逸的系列作品《某座二期》,是次展覽為2011年岑氏廣受好評的《某座》展覽「插針式」加建,並將會配合新書《某座》攝影集出版。
近年公共屋邨被渲染為當下社會消失了的睦鄰關係的載體,令大眾對其充斥著一種感物舒懷式的浪漫想像,卻忽略了公屋住戶間一重重不太光鮮的現實問題:低收入、失業、傷殘、家庭問題、新移民、居民人口老化等等。同時間不少老舊屋邨用塗脂抹粉式的翻新修葺之餘,硬件設施配套上卻沒有長進的改善。「領匯」房地產基金接手管理房署公屋旗下商場,引入大型連鎖店,迫使小商戶倒閉,卻無助提高居民質素……這些林林總總的屋邨千奇百態,成為岑允逸進行這次攝影計劃的催化劑,他多年來遊走香港各個公共屋邨的公共空間,給大家展示一個個既荒誕又超現實的空間場景,從一幅幅失魂落魄、冰冷無情感的混凝土肖像,岑允逸把公屋居住的體驗記憶融合其中,猶如佛洛伊德在《文明與其不滿》(Civilization and its Discontents) 的開首裡,用了「永恆之都」古羅馬城作了一個比喻,那些層層疊疊的新舊建築是體現人類心靈生活習性的視覺呈現, 如岑所言:「《某座》這個系列可能是我心目中的羅馬古城,籍此來回視我的過去,無奈地看著人們被硬生生要求投放情感在其中而讓它們變成他們的「家」,探索這些被刻意營造的幸福居所裡奇特的生存狀態。」
岑允逸多年來的創作主要探討個人與都市生活空間的關係,本地弱勢社群的生存狀態,以及當代中國在經濟急遽發展下的城鎮面貌。他曾舉辦多個個人的主題展覽包括「別名:Xianggang」(2003)、「奧運健兒寫真」(2009)及「某座」(2011), 也曾參與過眾多本地及國際的攝影節及聯展,包括影像香港(2008)、香港當代藝術雙年獎(2010)、城市漫遊者─社會紀實攝影(2010)、平遙國際攝影節(2008及2011)、三藩市現代美術館主辦的「Photography Now: China, Japan, Korea」(2009),意大利的Savignano SI Fest(2010)及Asolo Art Film Festival (2011) 等。其作品為美國三藩市現代美術館、香港文化博物館及私人收藏。
岑亦曾參與出版多本攝影集包括《一人生活》(2007)、《係‧唔係樂園:岑允逸攝影作品》(2008)及《麻雀》同人誌(2009 - 2012)等。
除個人創作外,他於2013年初創辦攝影展覽空間「The Salt Yard」 ,參與策展多個海外及本地攝影師的作品展覽。岑亦經常以「Fotopiggie」名義發表有關攝影論述的文章,文章可見於個人網誌「攝影豬影像隨筆」:fotopiggie.blogspot.com
BLOCKS Phase II - by Dustin Shum
17 Oct, 2014 – 14 Dec, 2014
Opening reception
6-8 pm, 17 Oct, 2014 (Fri)
Artist talk
3-5 pm, 8 Nov, 2014 (Sat)
The Salt Yard, an independent art space, will exhibit BLOCKS Phase II by Hong Kong photographer Dustin Shum between October 17 and December 14. The exhibition is an extension of his well-received exhibition BLOCKS, which was shown earlier.
Public housing has recently been portrayed as a carrier of good neighbourhood that is vanishing in our society and the public has romanticised its image. However, the public has neglected the many real problems faced by people living in these flats: low income, jobless, disability, family problems, new migrants, ageing population and so on. Meanwhile, meaningless renovations have been carried out in old public housing estates but no improvements have been made on facilities that that are really in need. Since taking over the management of shopping malls from the government, the Link REIT” (a real estate investment trust), has bought in many giant chainstores and chain restaurants that many small shops have been forced to be closed. The living standard of people living in these estates has failed to be improved after all.
All these phenomenons became the catalyst for Dustin to work on this project. Wandering in the public space of the various public housing estates through these years, he showcased to us many scenes that looked ridiculous and surreal. Dustin instilled his own experiences and memories in public housing into the many images of concrete that appeared lifeless and cold, similar to the introduction of Civilization and Its Discontents by Sigmund Freud. The “Eternal City” in Ancient Rome, where buildings from different historical periods co-existed and overlapped in disharmony, was used as a metaphor of the mental lives of human beings.
“BLOCKS is perhaps my Ancient Rome, through which I look back to my past. Rather helplessly, I watch people being forced to invest feelings of "home" in these buildings and to explore the bizarre living conditions inside these artificially engineered residences of happiness.” Dustin said.
An opening reception for the exhibition will be held from 6pm to 8pm on October 17 that Dustin will attend. He will also host a sharing session from 3pm to 5pm on November 8, talking about his photography projects over the years. Members of the public are welcomed.
About Dustin Shum
Dustin Shum was born and currently lives in Hong Kong. He graduated from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 1994 with a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Degree in Photographic Design. A photojournalist for more than ten years, he now works as an independent photographer. Shum has received many awards for outstanding documentary photography over the years, including those by the Newspaper Society of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Press Photographers Association, World Association of Newspapers and Publishers, and Amnesty International.
In his work, Shum focuses on the relationship between individuals and urban spaces, the living conditions of local disadvantaged groups, and the transformation of Chinese cities and towns in rapidly developing economy. His works have been exhibited in solo and group shows locally and internationally.
Past solo exhibitions include Alias: Xianggang (2003), Photogenic Olympians (2009) and BLOCKS (2011). He also participated in many local and international joint exhibitions including Imaging Hong Kong (2008), Hong Kong Contemporary Art Biennial (2010), City Flâneur: Social Documentary Photography (2010), Pingyao International photography Festival (2008 & 2011), Photography Now: China, Japan, Korea (2009, organized by SFMoMA) , Savignano SI Fest (2010) and Asolo Art Film Festival (2011) in Italy. His works have been collected by the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, the Hong Kong Heritage Museum, and private collectors.
Shum has also published and co-published several photobooks including Live Alone a Life: People with Mental Illness (2007), Themeless Parks: Photographs by Dustin Shum (2008) and Mahjong (2009-2012).
In Jan 2013 he co-founded The Salt Yard, an independent, artist-run exhibition space dedicated to photography, where he curated a number of exhibitions by overseas and local photographers. Shum also writes frequently about photography under the name of “Fotopiggie,” which can be found on his personal blog (in Chinese): fotopiggie.blogspot.com
Also available:
BLOCKS|某座|Photography by Dustin Shum|攝影:岑允逸|Hardcover, 250 x 260 mm, 112 pages, 71 color images|Language: Chinese and English|Edition: 500 copies|Published by Inertia Books|Oct, 2014